An estimated 40 million Americans are living with sensitive teeth, so if you experience pain when eating certain foods, you are not alone. Sensitive teeth can make it impossible to enjoy foods you love, whether it’s because they’re too cold, too hot, or because they’re acidic. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to reduce tooth sensitivity. Here are a few tips from the team at ZDental, a trusted provider of dental care in Trenton and surrounding communities:

Switch to a Toothpaste Designed to Treat Sensitive Teeth

It may seem like an obvious solution, but many of those living with tooth sensitivity have not tried it. Toothpastes for sensitivity aren’t just a fad; they really do work! If tooth sensitivity is driving you crazy, try changing to a different toothpaste. What have you got to lose?

Only Use Soft Bristled Toothbrushes

Gum recession or other gum issues can be a cause of tooth sensitivity. If you want to have healthy gums, it’s important to brush them gently every day while you brush your teeth. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush will remove plaque buildup from the gumline without damaging delicate gum tissue.

Avoid Food and Drink That Can Aggravate Sensitivity

Heat, cold, and acid are the most common triggers for tooth sensitivity. If a particular food is bothering you, it makes sense to avoid it until you can get your sensitivity under control.

Wear a Mouthguard When Sleeping

Bruxism, or excessive teeth grinding, can be another cause of tooth sensitivity. Many of our patients living with bruxism don’t even know they have an issue because it generally happens while they are sleeping. Talk to your dentist about bruxism and try wearing a mouthguard at night to prevent you from grinding your teeth while you sleep.

Try Oil Pulling

While it may seem like a new-age fad, there is actually some science that supports the idea of oil pulling. By swishing coconut oil in your mouth for 10-20 minutes every day, you can remove biofilm and plaque from the teeth, gums, and areas between the teeth, leading to healthier gum tissue and less sensitive teeth over time.

Schedule a Dental Checkup

It’s important to keep your dentist informed about any issues you are having; that includes tooth sensitivity. Painful or sensitive teeth can be a sign of bigger issues, so schedule a dental checkup and be sure to discuss your sensitivity. Your dentist may recommend some of the methods listed above, or other treatments to get your tooth sensitivity under control. Remember that sensitivity can take some time to go away, so be consistent and keep your dentist updated on your progress.

Speaking of dental checkups, ZDental has 5 locations in New Jersey and the Philadelphia area to serve you. Our friendly team of dentists and hygienists will be happy to discuss any issues you may be having, including sensitivity, and recommend effective treatments. Tooth sensitivity can be a pain, but you don’t have to live with it forever. Visit our contact page to find the ZDental location nearest you and call to schedule an appointment any time you need a dentist near Philadelphia, PA!